Quikkly Mobile SDKs & Wrappers.

The primary Quikkly SDKs provide easy integration with native Android and iOS projects. We also offer a number of wrappers for other environments and can create bespoke builds if required for other environments such as RTOS. For SDK pricing, please see here. For custom pricing or additional platforms, please contact us. We have experimental builds for Flutter and other frameworks.


Quikkly for Android

Quikkly’s Mobile SDK for native Android development with support back to API level 16 for Quikkly 3.x.


Quikkly for Cordova/Ionic

Quikkly’s Mobile Plugin for Cordova/Ionic.


Quikkly for iOS

Quikkly’s Mobile SDK for iOS 9 and higher


Quikkly for Unity

Quikkly’s current Unity wrapper.

Quikkly for ReactNative

Quikkly also offers support for cross platform projects using ReactNative 0.61.5