Quikkly for Android V3.x (Deprecating Fall 2021).
Quikkly for Android 3.X - Deprecation Warning
In late 2021, we will be deprecating Quikkly for Android 3.x to be replaced with Quikkly 4.x. This change will require an increase in the minimum API level from 16 to 21. Quikkly 3.x will continue to be available for legacy customers but we will recommend the simple upgrade to V4.x unless you absolutely require support for Android versions prior to 5.0/Lollipop
Quikkly for Android V3.x
Quikkly for Android V4.x (coming soon) supports Android API level 21 (Android 5.0/Lollipop) and higher only. This is required in order to support the Android Camera2 API. We do not yet support CameraX but intend to in a later version of Quikkly 4.x (Contact us if you require early access). Quikkly 3.x can continue to be used if you require support as far back as API level 16 but we will be recommending all customers migrate to Quikkly 4.x by the end of 2021.
Quikkly V3.x was previously hosted on Maven but is now hosted on Github:
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/quikkly/quikkly-android-sdk")
credentials {
username = "XXXX"